Sunday, September 28, 2014

Faith (How do we know what it is?)

Knowing that our lives are short in comparison to eternity (Psa 39:5), I acknowledge that I can't know anything apart from the Lord. I'm not even sure what faith is, but I know that I can find out about it in the word of God!

Below are a few verses that I have found the Greek word, pistis, the word for faith, in the new testament (concordances are great!):

God requires faith:
Matt 23:23; Mark 11:22; Luke 7:50, 8:25, 18:8; Acts 20:21; Rom 1:17, 11:20, 14:22-23

God gives faith:
Luke 17:5, 22:32; Acts 14:27, 15:9; Rom 12:3-6; 1 Cor 12:9

These are very encouraging to me to know that all I have to do to find faith is to pray and look to what God has already given to establish faith. Faith comes by hearing the words of Christ (Rom 10:17)!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Salvation is from the Jews!

Jesus said, "You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews" (John 4:22).

"For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants, but: " THROUGH ISAAC YOUR DESCENDANTS WILL BE NAMED." That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants. (Romans 6:6-9)"

Is this talking about spy's inside of Israel. No! It shows that just because some were born to Israel does not give them a right to enter the kingdom of heaven.

"If the first piece of dough is holy, the lump is also; and if the root is holy, the branches are too. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in." Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either. Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God's kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off. And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree?" (Romans 11:16-24).

Is this talking about olive trees? No! It's talking about the descendants of Israel, of the flesh, and those who have been grafted are... those who believe in Christ. These Christians are brought into the olive tree, that is the true Israel, including those who had gone before that believed God and were credited with Righteousness (Romans 4:3).So what does this mean for me as a Christian? 1 Timothy 3:16-17 says that this scripture should be able to train me in righteousness and equip me for good works. Let's go back to Romans.

25For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery--so that you will not be wise in your own estimation--that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in;and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, "THE DELIVERER WILL COME FROM ZION, HE WILL REMOVE UNGODLINESS FROM JACOB." 27"THIS IS MY COVENANT WITH THEM, WHEN I TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS."28From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God's choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers;for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience. 31so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. 32For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all. 33Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! 34For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, OR WHO BECAME HIS COUNSELOR? 35Or WHO HAS FIRST GIVEN TO HIM THAT IT MIGHT BE PAID BACK TO HIM AGAIN? 36For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things To Him be the glory forever. Amen" (Romans 11:25-36).

Following the example and instruction from Paul in this passage, I think that we should keep our focus on 2 things:

1 God' mercy/Our Thankfulness
2 God's Wisdom

And do as Paul called the Philippians to do: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:4-7).

For you who are reading this, you should be a Berean: "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11).

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Church

God has really been teaching me about his church, it’s purpose and it’s people, through his word (2 timothy 3:16), unbeknown to me of course. I am quite dense when it comes to understanding the word, but 1 John 2:27 tells me that I do not require teaching, but God himself will teach me (us) all things.

So anyways, the story is that I became interested in (well if you read my last post you’ll see that I mentioned this) 1 Corinthians 1:17-19, seeing that I should make my focus the gospel, and not any other theology or aspect of God. I like listening to M Driscoll when I get the chance (even though I disagree with him on some readings of the word – he confesses Christ’s death and resurrection 1 john 4:1-2) to see what he thinks on different matters, so I found a sermon of his on 1 Corinthians. I have since been listening to his series on the church in Corinth, and at the same time it has been brought to my attention from others (in the body of Christ) readings from the word on what and who the church is.

I see that the church is to be unified in thought, of the same mind (1 Cor 1:10). We are here to encourage each other closer to Christ (1 The 5:11). I had never considered before that the people who are in Christ and understand his justification, my brothers and sisters, should be of one mind. I have never thought of sharing the word of Christ was anything other than trying to bring someone to the Lord. But it’s not! It’s that and more.

The word of Christ is a reasoned explanation of God’s connection to us!
  • It’s an encouragement to those who believe on Christ.
  • It separates those who do not believe on Christ from those who do.
  • It tells of people who have walked this earth before.
  • It tells of what is to come.
  • It is exclusive and inclusive.
  • The word of the bible is for all people’s salvation!
To follow God’s word is to please God. It gives us the opportunity to not shrink away in shame at Christ 2nd coming (1 John 1:28). It gives us peace in time of trouble and in times of joy. It keeps us on our feet and lifts us up with Christ (both to heaven and to sacrifice)!

We are not to give up on each other (Hebrews 10:25), but we are to be of one mind. There can be disagreement in the church, but it must be resolved by the word of Christ. There is no private interpretation of the word (2 peter 1:20).

Thank God that he sent his only son that we might be saved from our sins (Eph 2:8). Thank God that he has given us a new spirit (romans 8:13) that we might be changed from our sinful ways! I say thank God that he gives me a heart for the poor, the widowed, the hurt, the tired, those without hope, those who are lonely, those who are hungry, those who need a ride, those who are frustrated with life, people without peace, people craving more from life, and anyone with whom I may come in contact!

Praise be to God!

Monday, August 18, 2014

On 1 John 1:9

Forgiveness and Confession

We should always confess our sins to him and each other, but his forgiveness is there even before we confess our sins:

“II. The apostle then instructs the believer in the way to the continued pardon of his sin. Here we have, 1. His duty in order thereto: If we confess our sins, v. 9. Penitent confession and acknowledgment of sin are the believer’s business, and the means of his deliverance from his guilt

(not from God’s condemnation because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ – Romans 8:1. We are not condemn by God if we believe on Christ. Therefore there is no need for asking forgiveness). – my insert

“And, 2. His encouragement thereto, and assurance of the happy issue. This is the veracity, righteousness, and clemency of God, to whom he makes such confession: He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, v. 9. God is faithful to his covenant and word, wherein he has promised forgiveness to penitent believing confessors. He is just to himself and his glory who has provided such a sacrifice, by which his righteousness is declared in the justification of sinners. He is just to his Son who has not only sent him for such service, but promised to him that those who come through him shall be forgiven on his account. By his knowledge (by the believing apprehension of him) shall my righteous servant justify many, Isa. 53:11. He is clement and gracious also, and so will forgive, to the contrite confessor, all his sins, cleanse him from the guilt of all unrighteousness, and in due time deliver him from the power and practice of it.” / Matthew Henry Commentary on 1 John 1

Here is the Greek for “we confess” @ 1 John 1:9:

1) to say the same thing as another, i.e. to agree with, assent
2) to concede
a) not to refuse, to promise
b) not to deny
1) to confess
2) declare
3) to confess, i.e. to admit or declare one's self guilty of what one is accused of
3) to profess
a) to declare openly, speak out freely
b) to profess one's self the worshipper of one
4) to praise, celebrate

Here is the Greek for “forgive” @ Matt 6:12:

1) to send away
a) to bid going away or depart
1) of a husband divorcing his wife
b) to send forth, yield up, to expire
c) to let go, let alone, let be
1) to disregard
2) to leave, not to discuss now, (a topic)
a) of teachers, writers and speakers
3) to omit, neglect
d) to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit
e) to give up, keep no longer
2) to permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person
3) to leave, go way from one
a) in order to go to another place
b) to depart from any one
c) to depart from one and leave him to himself so that all mutual claims are abandoned
d) to desert wrongfully
e) to go away leaving something behind
f) to leave one by not taking him as a companion
g) to leave on dying, leave behind one
h) to leave so that what is left may remain, leave remaining
i) abandon, leave destitute

It’s the peace of Christ that is seen by knowing that if we believe “on” Christ our sins are forgiven already & always!

Galatians 6:2 admonishes us to bear each other’s burdens. I believe that through confession to each other we are able to do that. There is no need to ask forgiveness because we have already been justified by Christ before, so therefore, know that God has forgiven you and that you are free from sin and sinning to live as free people!

Also, note that to love Christ, believing “on” him and abiding in him, we must keep and abide in his word (John 14:23). This is one way to know that we are believing on Christ and not just claiming a belief in Christ, a belief that doesn’t produce fruit.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Who is Jesus

The deity of Christ has always been under attack by him who lies continually and tries to deceive mankind before God. Here are a few verses to encourage you to know Jesus as God: 

"He said to them, 'But who do you say that I am?' Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'" 
Matthew 16:15-16

Here Jesus makes clear that he is not John the Baptist, a great preacher, or Elijah come back from heaven after being taken up. He makes a clear separation between him as a prophet and him as something totally different, a son of the Living God, which according to Matthew 26:63 would have been known to the people of the time as the Christ that was coming to save man. 

"Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.'" 
John 8:58 

Jesus declare his existence since times that have long since passed. He says here that he existed before Abraham. This is a clear reference to God's own declaration in Exodus 3:14 and shows Jesus' own belief in himself to be God, born in the flesh. 

 "But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest said to Him, 'I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God.' Jesus said to him, 'You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you will see THE SON OF MAN SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, and COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.' Then the high priest tore his robes and said, 'He has blasphemed! What further need do we have of witnesses? Behold, you have now heard the blasphemy;'" 
Matthew 26:63-65 

 This again shows that Jesus believed himself to be God and that others around him understood him to be saying that very thing that he was God.  Jesus rose from death and ascended on high.  He foretold this, and we can believe him because has not been shown to be a liar.  Others have claimed to be God and still others have claimed various things related to death, but Jesus stands apart from all these claims.  Trust that Jesus is God, and he keeps his word.  He will raise those who believe on him on the last day, and those who do not will be delivered into the lake of fire.