This morning I read in 1 Kings 19:3 that fear of man struck even struck one of God's most famous prophets, a man who rained fire on God's enemies, who built an altar in the face of many enemies to the Lord and trusted that God would ignite it on fire even after being dowsed with buckets full of water 3 times. On this last note, Jezebel, Queen of Israel, proclaimed her intent to kill Elijah, to which, like any of us normal people, he responded by running away! Now I get that reaction and think it a prudent course when being hunted by someone, however, this is Elijah; could he have not prayed to God, and God would have taken care of this situation?
Just a few verses late, Elijah asks God for death; his fear of man put him in the mind set that death would be better than life at the point. His despair was great! But what does God do? He sends an Angel to feed Elijah. What mercy from our great God that he would intervene in our weaknesses!!!
God is merciful even in times when we do not see it so. I pray for you today that you would put your faith in God who can lift, comfort, and help you in your time of need. Jesus Christ has said that he will never leave us nor forsake us; that he has sent a helper to us, the Holy Spirit, to proclaim him; that he can be found in his word, the Bible. Seek him early today!