I am somewhat nostalgic right now. I just got on Facebook for the first time in a while and saw all kinds of new events taking place in my old friends' lives. It seems that life is moving quicker and quicker and it's hard to keep up, I guess. I thank the Lord that it is moving though. Praise God for taking me from that which I was and turning me into that which I am becoming. I pray continually that the Lord would bring new revelations to me that may renew my mind in Him (rom 12:2).
I long and am burdened for others to know him, but my flesh is not strong enough change anything. It's only by God's spirit, the Holy Spirit, that others can be changed. I've been meditating on 1 Thessalonians 5:19. If I consider the power of the spirit to come by the word of God (Eph 6:17), then to quench the spirit in some instances may just be me trying to speak words of wisdom (not coming from the word, 1 cor 1:18-29) as opposed to encouraging others with the word of God, which is truth (john 17:17).
My encouragement to myself and you today is to NOT quench the spirit! It's the power of God (rom 1:16, 1 cor 2:5).
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