Monday, September 20, 2010

2 Chronicles 29&30

2 Chr 29
Hezekiah, Ahaz's son, seemingly blows into to town with all kinds of reforms that, I, the reader have been wanting to see since King David and Solomon. Hezekiah calls on the Levites to clean the temple, so they go in room by room and clean the temple, destroying every unclean thing in the valley of Kidron. It took them sixteen days to clean the temple. As soon as the temple was cleanse, then Hezekiah saw it fit to burn sacrifices to the Lord from it.

A good thought for us is that sometimes, the Lord would have us clean up our own lives before we press ourselves into service for him, but in cleaning our lives, know that we are in service to God. Take that for what it is, an opinion from me, the blogger, and not as the unadulterated truth of the word of God, but you should seek out these things to see if they are true and live by the faith which God gives you (Acts 17:11 & Romans 14:22)

2 Chr 30
Hezekiah saw that it would be good to gather all the faithful in Israel and Judah to Jerusalem for a celebration of the Passover. They did not celebrate the feast at the correct time because the Levitical priest had not consecrated themselves in time, but they still planned to celebrate it. Also, when the assembly gathered, not everyone washed correctly, according to the law, but Hezekiah prayed for God's forgiveness of this detail. It says in verse 20 of chapter 30 that the Lord heard his prayer and healed the people.

It seems to me that the heart of Hezekiah and of the assembly was to seek God even if it was not able to follow the Law exactly; And the Lord was please with this! They even gave in so much of an abundance that there were not enough priests to skin the offerings (ch29 v34, 2 corinthians 9:7).

I pray that the Lord would give us this attitude as the Body of Christ. That we would seek the Lord, no matter if we know how to do it right or not. I pray that we would also desire to know the Lord in such a way that we would want to seek him in his manner of doing things, that by reading his word and being doers of the word, not merely hearers, we would walk in faith. Thank you Lord for that faith which you have given us!

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